About us
CFB network AG stand for value-driven business management in tourism. We provide financial and strategical consulting for national and international tourism companies and handle purchases, sales and other transactions.
We are a team of motivated and independent experts, well-educated and with long-term practical and management experience in the hotel and restaurant industry but also in the credit and trust business. We offer reliable market knowledge and maintain a network of selected partner companies, investors, hotel operators, national and international hotel companies as well as banks, public corporations and science.
We process all requests with the same diligence and commitment. Thanks to an efficient cooperation with our partners, we can ensure that complex and large-scale projects will be implemented promptly and professionally. It is our goal to supply our clients with the best possible work and decision foundations for value-driven business management.

Remo Fehlmann
Partner, MAS FH Business Excellence HSLU,
Dipl. Hotelier-Restaurateur SHV/VDH,
Dipl. Hotelier-Restaurateur HF/SHL
Mobile +41 79 209 27 73

Valerie Karlen
Partner, MAS FH in fiduciary services and business consulting
Certified fiduciary
Degree in hotel management (Hôtelière-restauratrice HF)
Mobile +41 79 562 65 01
General principle
CFB network AG...
- work efficiently and with balance, commitment and customer focus
- support clients with tailor-made approaches in value-driven business management
- understand the required tasks and can structure them and systematically find solutions
- understand the markets, best practice and innovations within the hotel and tourism industry and regularly expands that horizon
- maintain a network with selected partner companies and can expertly support clients in complex matters
- develop professional, high-quality work and decision foundations for various stakeholder groups
- build on the core competencies of clients and concentrates on competitive advantages
- can provide support to clients from analysis to planning, implementation and controlling and understands the life cycle of hotel operations
- maintain long-term customer relationships.
CFB network AG – Your partner for financial and strategic questions of small and large hotel enterprises.
CFB network Ltd.
Limmatquai 84
8001 Zurich
Phone +41 43 810 02 25
Fax +41 43 810 02 24
CFB network AG
Proven a hundred times over! Our expertise makes us a long-term and reliable partner in the hospitality industry. Independence, a professional approach and profound real estate, corporate finance and hotel knowledge generate added values for our clients. Our principals include hoteliers and restauranteurs, hotel corporations, investors, project developers, banks, law firms, trustees and public corporations.
Long-term experience! CFB network AG release publications about selected topics in the hotel industry and is available for expert interviews. Browse through our articles and find out what others have to say about us.
Our partnerships aim at offering efficient solutions by bundling skills and experiences. This makes it possible to execute complex and large-scale projects professionally and promptly. The added benefit created for our clients is crucial.
Set-up and maintain know. Tourism interest groups and professional associations and institutions offer various platforms and possibilities to expand your knowledge, get new inspiration and exchange experiences.